NICE FIT Study Results Published in Gut!

The NICE FIT study results have been published in Gut!

The study has been published open access and is free to read for everyone at the below link.

This publication marks the culmination of many years of hard work by hundreds of researchers throughout England, and the participation of thousands of patients; many thanks to everyone who took part.

Nigel D'Souza awarded 2020 BJS Prize for NICE FIT Study Research!

In the 2020 meeting of the Associatio of Coloproctologists of Great Britain and Ireland, Nigel D’Souza was awarded the BJS Prize for research from the NICE FIT Study on FIT in patients with high risk symptoms.


The BJS Prize is the most prestigious research prize in colorectal surgery in the UK, and indicates the importance of the study.

Read our abstract, published in Colorectal Disease here.

A video of the presentation can be watched at the following link

NICE FIT Study Results: Coming Out Soon!

Since the NICE FIT study closed to recruitment, the study team have been hard at work, analysing and writing up the study results. We have been invited to present some of our results at the following prestigious scientific conferences.

The American Society of Clinical Oncology

The Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland: Moynihan Prize Session

The Associatin of Coloproctologists of Great Britain and Ireland: BJS Prize Session

The British Society of Gastroenterolog

As many of these meetings will be held virtually this year, some presentations will be available online; details will be posted here on this website.

Stay safe and well.

NICE FIT Study Recruitment Complete!

The NICE FIT Study has met its recruitment target, and has now closed. Data has been uploaded from all participating sites. A process of quality assurance is being completed before analysis of the results begins. Thanks to all patients that took part in the study, as well as the research teams at each hospital site that invited them to participate. Once the results have been published, a link will be uploaded to this website.

NICE FIT Research Fellowship Available-- Looking for Applicants NOW!

We are looking for a motivated applicant (no research experience required)  to apply for a 1 year, full time, full salary research fellowship that has been shortlisted by RM Partners for the NICE FIT study (link attached below).


Outcomes from the fellowship:

  • Potential for fully paid MSc through Imperial College
  • Royal Marsden Fellowship Post
  • Qualitative research into patient experience
  • Trial experience with NICE FIT, one of the biggest colorectal studies in the UK.
  • First authorship on patient experience publications
  • Authorship on the main NICE FIT publication
  • 10+ presentations
  • First/second authorship on NICE FIT substudies (at least 5+ to do) inc
    • Polygenic risk score for CRC using FIT/blood sampling through Institute of Cancer Research
    • FIT substudies (multiple samples from same/different stools)

This job is open to anyone with an interest in clinical research: not only doctors!

Please contact nigel.d' for further information.


Last week we announced that we had recruited over 2000 patients in our study. This week, our recruitment has accelerated with 2300 patients taking part. Thank you to all of our partner sites for their hard work. With over 20 sites in the process of opening in addition to our current sites, we will have a strong evidence base for FIT to benefit our patients!


Nigel D'Souza, co-investigator for the NICE FIT Study has won the travelling fellowship from The Royal Society of Medicine Coloproctology Section, for his abstract on the pilot data from the NICE FIT Study. He will travel to Lisbon in May to present the groundbreaking research from Croydon, which is the first study in an ethnically diverse population in England. This work would not have been possible without collaboration between the Guildford Bowel Cancer Screening Hub, Alpha Laboratories, and the R+D and Endoscopy staff at Croydon University Hospital.